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Targeting for the Optimal User Experience

Tim Cook LaunchDarklyEmily Koehler LaunchDarklyAmelie Sutsakhan LaunchDarklyMarshall Guttenberg Twilio Segment

Delivering precise, tailored customer experiences is a necessity in modern software delivery. However, most organizations struggle to efficiently target and deliver software experiences that meet their customers’ and business needs at scale.

Join us as we announce new targeting capabilities and an integration platform that supports syncing audiences from our partner, Twilio Segment. Learn how LaunchDarkly makes it possible to use any data source to deliver the right experiences to the right audiences at the right time.

Tim Cook

Product Manager, LaunchDarkly

Emily Koehler

Product Manager, LaunchDarkly

Amelie Sutsakhan

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, LaunchDarkly

Marshall Guttenberg

Director, Product Management, Twilio Segment