This guide summarizes the user interface differences between LaunchDarkly’s legacy UI, which is no longer available, and LaunchDarkly’s new multi-environment view, which was introduced in May 2024.
Our May 2024 release includes a new product navigation and multi-environment view. With the new navigation, you can access the resources you need more quickly and efficiently, including viewing your flag’s status across environments.
Use this topic if you have any questions about finding functionality in the new multi-environment view. Each section includes a table describing the main changes. Click any image in the table to enlarge.
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
Use the project dropdown to switch projects, or to access project settings for the current project. Project settings include environments, flag settings, release pipelines, and context kinds. Some flag settings, for example, flag key conventions, can only be specified in multi-environment view.
The project menu.
Previously, you used the Switch environment menu to change which project and environment you were viewing. To access environment or project settings, you clicked Account settings from the left sidenav and navigated to the Projects tab.
The "Switch environment" menu.
Environments and SDK credentials
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
Click + to add your commonly used environments to your list pages. Each list page includes summary or status information for all environments you add.
The "Flags" list with the "+" icon to add environments called out.
Previously, list pages only displayed information for the currently selected environment.
To create or edit environments, click the project dropdown and select Project settings. Then select Environments.
The project menu.
Previously, to create or edit environments, you selected Account settings and then Projects. Then you clicked the name of the project in which you wanted to update environments.
The "Projects" tab on the "Account settings" page.
To copy the SDK credential for an environment, click the overflow menu for the environment on any page where you have added the environment. Under “Copy…”, choose SDK key, Mobile key, or Client-side ID from the menu.
An environment "overflow" menu.
Previously, to copy the SDK credential for an environment, you selected Account settings and then Projects. Then, you clicked the name of the project in question and copied the SDK credentials from the list.
A list of environments within a project, including SDK credentials.
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
To view flag targeting information by environment, click the environment names at the top of the page. Click + to add additional environments.
The "Targeting" tab with the "+" icon to add environments called out.
Previously, to view flag targeting information by environment, you used the Switch environment menu.
The "Switch environment" menu.
To view or modify flag settings, change history, or other flag information, use the sidebar.
The right sidebar on a flag.
Previously, from the flag’s Targeting tab, you chose the correct tab to access flag settings, history, or other information.
The tabs available for a feature flag.
To compare flags, navigate to the Flags list or to a flag’s Targeting tab. Click the three-dot overflow menu for one of the environments you want to compare.
The environment overflow menu.
Previously, you navigated to the Flags list and clicked the overflow menu. Then you chose “Compare flags.”
The Flags list with the "Compare flags" button called out.
To view total flag evaluations, navigate to the Flags list and hover over the flag’s status. For additional detail, select the flag from the Flags list and open the “Evaluations” section on the flag detail page.
The Flags list when hovering over the flag status.
The flag detail page with "Evaluations" section expanded.
Previously, to view total flag evaluations, you navigated to the flag’s Insights tab.
The flag "Insights" tab.
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
From the Segments list, click the environments at the top of the list to review the segments defined in each environment.
The "Segments" list with the "+" icon to add environments called out.
Previously, you used the Switch environment menu to change environments and review the segments defined for a single environment.
The "Switch environment" menu.
To view or modify segment settings, or to delete a segment, navigate to the segment detail page for the segment you want to update. Click the gear icon in the right panel to manage segment settings.
Previously, to view or modify segment settings, or to delete a segment, you navigated to the segment detail page for the segment you wanted to update. Then you navigated to the Settings tab.
Audit log and change history
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
To view changes, click the clock icon from any page. The “Change history” dialog appears. It is automatically filtered based on the page from which you clicked the clock icon. For example, clicking the clock icon on the Project settings page is equivalent to viewing the Audit log in the legacy navigation. In the “Change history” dialog, you can update the filters as needed, including removing filters to view all changes.
A portion of the Flags list, with the clock icon highlighted.
Previously, to view all changes, you selected Audit log from the left sidenav. To view changes for a particular resource, you navigated to that resource and then clicked the History tab.
The "History" tab for an individual flag.
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
Click the gear icon in the left sidenav to view Organization settings. Then click Integrations.
The gear icon in the left sidenav.
Previously, you clicked Integrations from the left sidenav.
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
Click the gear icon in the left sidenav to view Organization settings. Use the side navigation to access Integrations, as well as billing, access, configuration, and security settings.
The gear icon in the left sidenav.
Previously, you clicked Account settings and navigated to a specific tab for billing, access, configuration, and security settings.
The tabs available under "Account settings."
Multi-environment view
Legacy navigation
Click your member icon in the left sidenav and choose Personal settings from the menu.
The account menu.
Previously, you clicked your member icon from the top navigation and chose “My profile” from the menu.
The account menu, with "My profile" option called out.