Invite new members


Invite one or more new members to join an account. Each member is sent an invitation. Members with “admin” or “owner” roles may create new members, as well as anyone with a “createMember” permission for “member/*“. If a member cannot be invited, the entire request is rejected and no members are invited from that request.

Each member must have an email field and either a role or a customRoles field. If any of the fields are not populated correctly, the request is rejected with the reason specified in the “message” field of the response.

Requests to create account members will not work if SCIM is enabled for the account.

No more than 50 members may be created per request.

A request may also fail because of conflicts with existing members. These conflicts are reported using the additional code and invalid_emails response fields with the following possible values for code:

  • email_already_exists_in_account: A member with this email address already exists in this account.
  • email_taken_in_different_account: A member with this email address exists in another account.
  • duplicate_emails: This request contains two or more members with the same email address.

A request that fails for one of the above reasons returns an HTTP response code of 400 (Bad Request).


This endpoint expects a list of objects.
list of objects


Member collection response

itemslist of objects

An array of members


The number of members returned


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