
Contexts are people, services, machines, or other resources that encounter feature flags in your product. Contexts are identified by their kind, which describes the type of resources encountering flags, and by their key. Each unique combination of one or more contexts that have encountered a feature flag in your product is called a context instance.

When you use the LaunchDarkly SDK to evaluate a flag, you provide a context to that call. LaunchDarkly records the key and attributes of each context instance. You can view these in the LaunchDarkly user interface from the Contexts list, or use the Context APIs. To learn more, read Contexts.

LaunchDarkly provides APIs for you to:

  • retrieve contexts, context instances, and context attribute names and values
  • search for contexts or context instances
  • delete context instances
  • fetch context kinds
  • create and update context kinds

To learn more about context kinds, read Context kinds.

Contexts are always scoped within a project and an environment. Each environment has its own set of context instance records.

Several of the endpoints in the contexts API require a context instance ID or application ID. Both of these IDs are returned as part of the Search for context instances response. The context instance ID is the id field of each element in the items array. The application ID is the applicationId field of each element in the items array. By default, the application ID is set to the SDK you are using. In the LaunchDarkly UI, the application ID and application version appear on the context details page in the “From source” field. You can change the application ID as part of your SDK configuration. To learn more, read Application metadata configuration.

Filtering contexts and context instances

When you search for contexts or context instances, you can filter on certain fields using the filter parameter either as a query parameter or as a request body parameter.

The filter parameter supports the following operators: after, anyOf, before, contains, equals, exists, notEquals, startsWith.

Expand for details on operators and syntax


Returns contexts or context instances if any of the values in a field, which should be dates, are after the provided time. For example:

  • myField after "2022-09-21T19:03:15+00:00"


Returns contexts or context instances if any of the values in a field match any of the values in the match value. For example:

  • myField anyOf [44]
  • myField anyOf ["phone","tablet"]
  • myField anyOf [true]"


Returns contexts or context instances if any of the values in a field, which should be dates, are before the provided time. For example:

  • myField before "2022-09-21T19:03:15+00:00"


Returns contexts or context instances if all the match values are found in the list of values in this field. For example:

  • myListField contains 44
  • myListField contains ["phone","tablet"]
  • myListField contains true


Returns contexts or context instances if there is an exact match on the entire field. For example:

  • myField equals 44
  • myField equals "device"
  • myField equals true
  • myField equals [1,2,3,4]
  • myField equals ["hello","goodbye"]


Returns contexts or context instances if the field matches the specified existence. For example:

  • myField exists true
  • myField exists false
  • *.name exists true


Returns contexts or context instances if there is not an exact match on the entire field. For example:

  • myField notEquals 44
  • myField notEquals "device"
  • myField notEquals true
  • myField notEquals [1,2,3,4]
  • myField notEquals ["hello","goodbye"]


Returns contexts or context instances if the value in a field, which should be a singular string, begins with the provided substring. For example:

  • myField startsWith "do"

You can also combine filters in the following ways:

  • Use a comma (,) as an AND operator
  • Use a vertical bar (|) as an OR operator
  • Use parentheses () to group filters

For example:

  • myField notEquals 0, myField notEquals 1 returns contexts or context instances where myField is not 0 and is not 1
  • myFirstField equals "device",(mySecondField equals "iPhone"|mySecondField equals "iPad") returns contexts or context instances where myFirstField is equal to “device” and mySecondField is equal to either “iPhone” or “iPad”

Supported fields and operators

You can only filter certain fields in contexts and context instances when using the filter parameter. Additionally, you can only filter some fields with certain operators.

When you search for contexts, the filter parameter supports the following fields and operators:

DescriptionSupported operators
applicationIdAn identifier representing the application where the LaunchDarkly SDK is running.equals, notEquals, anyOf
idUnique identifier for the context.equals, notEquals, anyOf
keyThe context key.equals, notEquals, anyOf, startsWith
kindThe context kind.equals, notEquals, anyOf
kindsA list of all kinds found in the context. Supply a list of strings to the operator.equals, anyOf, contains
kindKeyThe kind and key for the context. They are joined with :, for example, user:user-key-abc123.equals, notEquals, anyOf
kindKeysA list of all kinds and keys found in the context. The kind and key are joined with :, for example, user:user-key-abc123. Supply a list of strings to the operator.equals, anyOf, contains
qA “fuzzy” search across context attribute values and the context key. Supply a string or list of strings to the operator.equals
nameThe name for the context.equals, notEquals, exists, anyOf, startsWith
<a kind>.<an attribute name>A kind and the name of any attribute that appears in a context of that kind, for example, To filter all kinds, use * in place of the kind, for example, *.email. You can use either a literal attribute name or a JSON path to specify the attribute. If you use a JSON path, then you must escape the / character, using ~1, and the ~ character, using ~0. For example, use user.job/title or user./job~1title to filter the /job/title field in a user context kind. If the field or value includes whitespace, it should be enclosed in double quotes.equals, notEquals, exists, startsWith, before, after.

When searching for context instances, the filter parameter supports the following fields and operators

DescriptionSupported operators
applicationIdAn identifier representing the application where the LaunchDarkly SDK is running.equals, notEquals, anyOf
idUnique identifier for the context instance.equals, notEquals, anyOf
kindsA list of all kinds found in the context instance. Supply a list of strings to the operator.equals, anyOf, contains
kindKeysA list of all kinds and keys found in the context instance. The kind and key are joined with :, for example, user:user-key-abc123. Supply a list of strings to the operator.equals, anyOf, contains
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