List feature flags


Get a list of all feature flags in the given project. By default, each flag includes configurations for each environment. You can filter environments with the env query parameter. For example, setting env=production restricts the returned configurations to just your production environment. You can also filter feature flags by tag with the tag query parameter.

This endpoint can return a large amount of information. We recommend using some or all of these query parameters to decrease response time and overall payload size: limit, env, query, and filter=creationDate.

Filtering flags

You can filter on certain fields using the filter query parameter. For example, setting filter=query:dark-mode,tags:beta+test matches flags with the string dark-mode in their key or name, ignoring case, which also have the tags beta and test.

The filter query parameter supports the following arguments:

Filter argumentDescriptionExample
applicationEvaluatedA string. It filters the list to flags that are evaluated in the application with the given
archived(deprecated) A boolean value. It filters the list to archived flags.Use filter=state:archived instead
contextKindsEvaluatedA +-separated list of context kind keys. It filters the list to flags which have been evaluated in the past 30 days for all of the context kinds in the list.filter=contextKindsEvaluated:user+application
codeReferences.maxAn integer value. Use 0 to return flags that do not have code references.filter=codeReferences.max:0
codeReferences.minAn integer value. Use 1 to return flags that do have code references.filter=codeReferences.min:1
creationDateAn object with an optional before field whose value is Unix time in milliseconds. It filters the list to flags created before the date.filter=creationDate:{"before":1690527600000}
evaluatedAn object that contains a key of after and a value in Unix time in milliseconds. It filters the list to all flags that have been evaluated since the time you specify, in the environment provided. This filter requires the filterEnv filter.filter=evaluated:{"after":1690527600000},filterEnv:production
filterEnvA valid environment key. You must use this field for filters that are environment-specific. If there are multiple environment-specific filters, you only need to include this field once.filter=evaluated:{"after": 1590768455282},filterEnv:production
hasExperimentA boolean value. It filters the list to flags that are used in an experiment.filter=hasExperiment:true
maintainerIdA valid member ID. It filters the list to flags that are maintained by this member.filter=maintainerId:12ab3c45de678910abc12345
maintainerTeamKeyA string. It filters the list to flags that are maintained by the team with this key.filter=maintainerTeamKey:example-team-key
queryA string. It filters the list to flags that include the specified string in their key or name. It is not case sensitive.filter=query:example
releasePipelineA release pipeline key. It filters the list to flags that are either currently active in the release pipeline or have completed the release pipeline.filter=releasePipeline:default-release-pipeline
stateA string, either live, deprecated, or archived. It filters the list to flags in this state.filter=state:archived
sdkAvailabilityA string, one of client, mobile, anyClient, server. Using client filters the list to flags whose client-side SDK availability is set to use the client-side ID. Using mobile filters to flags set to use the mobile key. Using anyClient filters to flags set to use either the client-side ID or the mobile key. Using server filters to flags set to use neither, that is, to flags only available in server-side SDKs.filter=sdkAvailability:client
tagsA +-separated list of tags. It filters the list to flags that have all of the tags in the list.filter=tags:beta+test
typeA string, either temporary or permanent. It filters the list to flags with the specified type.filter=type:permanent

The documented values for the filter query are prior to URL encoding. For example, the + in filter=tags:beta+test must be encoded to %2B.

By default, this endpoint returns all flags. You can page through the list with the limit parameter and by following the first, prev, next, and last links in the returned _links field. These links will not be present if the pages they refer to don’t exist. For example, the first and prev links will be missing from the response on the first page.

Sorting flags

You can sort flags based on the following fields:

  • creationDate sorts by the creation date of the flag.
  • key sorts by the key of the flag.
  • maintainerId sorts by the flag maintainer.
  • name sorts by flag name.
  • tags sorts by tags.
  • targetingModifiedDate sorts by the date that the flag’s targeting rules were last modified in a given environment. It must be used with env parameter and it can not be combined with any other sort. If multiple env values are provided, it will perform sort using the first one. For example, sort=-targetingModifiedDate&env=production&env=staging returns results sorted by targetingModifiedDate for the production environment.
  • type sorts by flag type

All fields are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort in descending order, prefix the field with a dash ( - ). For example, sort=-name sorts the response by flag name in descending order.

Expanding response

LaunchDarkly supports the expand query param to include additional fields in the response, with the following fields:

  • codeReferences includes code references for the feature flag
  • evaluation includes evaluation information within returned environments, including which context kinds the flag has been evaluated for in the past 30 days
  • migrationSettings includes migration settings information within the flag and within returned environments. These settings are only included for migration flags, that is, where purpose is migration.

For example, expand=evaluation includes the evaluation field in the response.

Migration flags

For migration flags, the cohort information is included in the rules property of a flag’s response, and default cohort information is included in the fallthrough property of a flag’s response. To learn more, read Migration Flags.

Path parameters


The project key

Query parameters


Filter configurations by environment


Filter feature flags by tag


The number of feature flags to return. Defaults to 20.


Where to start in the list. Use this with pagination. For example, an offset of 10 skips the first ten items and then returns the next items in the list, up to the query limit.


Deprecated, use filter=archived:true instead. A boolean to filter the list to archived flags. When this is absent, only unarchived flags will be returned


By default, flags do not include their lists of prerequisites, targets, or rules for each environment. Set summary=0 to include these fields for each flag returned.


A comma-separated list of filters. Each filter is of the form field:value. Read the endpoint description for a full list of available filter fields.


A comma-separated list of fields to sort by. Fields prefixed by a dash ( - ) sort in descending order. Read the endpoint description for a full list of available sort fields.


Deprecated, unavailable in API version 20240415. A boolean to filter results by only flags that have differences between environments.


A comma-separated list of fields to expand in the response. Supported fields are explained above.


Global flags collection response

itemslist of objects

An array of feature flags


The total number of flags


The number of flags that have differences between environments. Only shown when query parameter compare is true.


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