Get holdout


Get details about a holdout.

Expanding the holdout response

LaunchDarkly supports the following fields for expanding the “Get holdout” response. By default, these fields are not included in the response.

To expand the response, append the expand query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields:

  • draftIteration includes the iteration which has not been started yet, if any, for this holdout.
  • previousIterations includes all iterations prior to the current iteration, for this holdout. By default only the current iteration is included in the response.
  • rel-draftIteration includes the iteration which has not been started yet, if any, for the experiments related to this holdout.
  • rel-metrics includes metrics for experiments related to this holdout.
  • rel-previousIterations includes all iterations prior to the current iteration, for the experiments related to this holdout.
  • rel-secondaryMetrics includes secondary metrics for experiments related to this holdout.
  • rel-treatments includes all treatment and parameter details for experiments related to this holdout.
  • secondaryMetrics includes secondary metrics for this holdout. By default only the primary metric is included in the response.
  • treatments includes all treatment and parameter details for this holdout. By default treatment data is not included in the response.

For example, expand=draftIteration,rel-draftIteration includes the draftIteration and rel-draftIteration fields in the response. If fields that you request with the expand query parameter are empty, they are not included in the response.

Path parameters


The project key


The environment key


The holdout experiment key

Query parameters


A comma-separated list of properties that can reveal additional information in the response. Supported fields are explained above. Holdout experiment expansion fields have no prefix. Related experiment expansion fields have rel- as a prefix.


HoldoutDetail response with full experiments

Allowed values: createdenabledrunningended

The percentage of traffic allocated to this holdout.


Indicates if the holdout experiment is running and if any related experiments are running.

relatedExperimentslist of objectsOptional


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