Get metric group


Get information for a single metric group from the specific project.

Expanding the metric group response

LaunchDarkly supports two fields for expanding the “Get metric group” response. By default, these fields are not included in the response.

To expand the response, append the expand query parameter and add a comma-separated list with either or both of the following fields:

  • experiments includes all experiments from the specific project that use the metric group
  • experimentCount includes the number of experiments from the specific project that use the metric group

For example, expand=experiments includes the experiments field in the response.

Path parameters


The project key


The metric group key

Query parameters


A comma-separated list of properties that can reveal additional information in the response.


Metric group response


The ID of this metric group


A unique key to reference the metric group


A human-friendly name for the metric group

Allowed values: funnelstandard

The type of the metric group

tagslist of strings

Tags for the metric group


Timestamp of when the metric group was created


Timestamp of when the metric group was last modified


The maintainer of this metric

metricslist of objects

An ordered list of the metrics in this metric group


The version of this metric group


Description of the metric group


Details on the allowed and denied actions for this metric group

experimentslist of objectsOptional

Experiments that use this metric group. Only included if specified in the expand query parameter in a getMetricGroup request.


The number of experiments using this metric group


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