List segments


Get a list of all segments in the given project.

Segments can be rule-based, list-based, or synced. Big segments include larger list-based segments and synced segments. Some fields in the response only apply to big segments.

Filtering segments

The filter parameter supports the following operators: equals, anyOf, and exists.

You can also combine filters in the following ways:

  • Use a comma (,) as an AND operator
  • Use a vertical bar (|) as an OR operator
  • Use parentheses (()) to group filters

Supported fields and operators

You can only filter certain fields in segments when using the filter parameter. Additionally, you can only filter some fields with certain operators.

When you search for segments, the filter parameter supports the following fields and operators:

DescriptionSupported operators
excludedKeysThe segment keys of segments to exclude from the results.anyOf
externalWhether the segment is a synced segment.exists
includedKeysThe segment keys of segments to include in the results.anyOf
queryA “fuzzy” search across segment key, name, and description. Supply a string or list of strings to the operator.equals
tagsThe segment tags.anyOf
unboundedWhether the segment is a standard segment (false) or a big segment (true). Standard segments include rule-based segments and smaller list-based segments. Big segments include larger list-based segments and synced segments.equals

Here are a few examples:

  • The filter ?filter=tags anyOf ["enterprise", "beta"],query equals "toggle" matches segments with “toggle” in their key, name, or description that also have “enterprise” or “beta” as a tag.
  • The filter ?filter=excludedKeys anyOf ["segmentKey1", "segmentKey2"] excludes the segments with those keys from the results.
  • The filter ?filter=unbounded equals true matches larger list-based segments and synced segments.

The documented values for filter query parameters are prior to URL encoding. For example, the [ in ?filter=tags anyOf ["enterprise", "beta"] must be encoded to %5B.

Path parameters


The project key


The environment key

Query parameters


The number of segments to return. Defaults to 20.


Where to start in the list. Use this with pagination. For example, an offset of 10 skips the first ten items and then returns the next items in the list, up to the query limit.


Accepts sorting order and fields. Fields can be comma separated. Possible fields are ‘creationDate’, ‘name’, ‘lastModified’. Example: sort=name sort by names ascending or sort=-name,creationDate sort by names descending and creationDate ascending.


Accepts filter by excludedKeys, external, includedKeys, query, tags, unbounded. To learn more about the filter syntax, read the ‘Filtering segments’ section above.


Segment collection response

itemslist of objects

An array of segments


The total number of segments


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