Update teams


Perform a partial update to multiple teams. Updating teams uses the semantic patch format.

To make a semantic patch request, you must append domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch to your Content-Type header. To learn more, read Updates using semantic patch.


Semantic patch requests support the following kind instructions for updating teams.

Click to expand instructions for updating teams


Add the members to teams.

  • memberIDs: List of member IDs to add.
  • teamKeys: List of teams to update.

Here’s an example:

2 "instructions": [{
3 "kind": "addMembersToTeams",
4 "memberIDs": [
5 "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
6 ],
7 "teamKeys": [
8 "example-team-1",
9 "example-team-2"
10 ]
11 }]


Add all members to the team. Members that match any of the filters are excluded from the update.

  • teamKeys: List of teams to update.
  • filterLastSeen: (Optional) A JSON object with one of the following formats:
    • {"never": true} - Members that have never been active, such as those who have not accepted their invitation to LaunchDarkly, or have not logged in after being provisioned via SCIM.
    • {"noData": true} - Members that have not been active since LaunchDarkly began recording last seen timestamps.
    • {"before": 1608672063611} - Members that have not been active since the provided value, which should be a timestamp in Unix epoch milliseconds.
  • filterQuery: (Optional) A string that matches against the members’ emails and names. It is not case sensitive.
  • filterRoles: (Optional) A | separated list of roles and custom roles. For the purposes of this filtering, Owner counts as Admin.
  • filterTeamKey: (Optional) A string that matches against the key of the team the members belong to. It is not case sensitive.
  • ignoredMemberIDs: (Optional) A list of member IDs.

Here’s an example:

2 "instructions": [{
3 "kind": "addAllMembersToTeams",
4 "teamKeys": [
5 "example-team-1",
6 "example-team-2"
7 ],
8 "filterLastSeen": { "never": true }
9 }]


This endpoint expects an object.
instructionslist of maps from strings to anyRequired

The instructions to perform when updating. This should be an array with objects that look like <code>{“kind”: “update_action”}</code>. Some instructions also require additional parameters as part of this object.


Optional comment describing the update


Teams response

memberIDslist of stringsOptional

A list of member IDs of the members who were added to the teams.

teamKeyslist of stringsOptional

A list of team keys of the teams that were successfully updated.

errorslist of maps from strings to stringsOptional

A list of team keys and errors for the teams whose updates failed.


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