Client-side SDKs

This category contains documentation topics explaining LaunchDarkly’s client-side SDKs.

Additional resources

SDKSample applicationsSDK API documentationGitHub repositoryPackage manager
.NET (client-side)hello-dotnet-client (Xamarin).NET SDK API docs.NET (client-side) SDKNuGet
Androidhello-androidAndroid SDK API docsandroid-client-sdk


C++ (client-side)hello-c-client (C binding)
hello-cpp-client (native)
C++ (client-side) SDK API docscpp-sdks/client-sdkNone
Electronhello-electronElectron SDK API docselectron-client-sdknpm

Flutter SDK API docs

hello-ios (Objective-C)
hello-ios-swift (Swift)
hello-macos (macOS)
hello-tvos (tvOS)

iOS SDK API docsios-client-sdkCocoaPods
JavaScripthello-jsJavaScript SDK API docsjs-client-sdknpm
Node.js (client-side)hello-node-clientNode.js (client-side) SDK API docsnode-client-sdknpm
React Native

Expo app

React Native SDK API docsreact-nativenpm
React WebexampleReact Web SDK API docsreact-client-sdknpm

available through GitHub releases

VueexampleVue SDK API docsvue-client-sdknpm
Do you need information about other SDKs?

LaunchDarkly does not offer SDKs for all languages or frameworks. If you’re searching for information about using Svelte, Preact, or Angular with LaunchDarkly, consider if you can use the JavaScript SDK instead. To learn more, read JavaScript SDK reference.

To request support for a specific language or framework, start a Support ticket.

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