
10 metrics every software engineering leader should track

Drive high-performance engineering with DORA metrics and beyond.

10 metrics every software engineering leader should track

To improve, you must measure

This ebook is an essential resource for software engineering leaders who want to take their teams' performance to the next level. It prescribes more than just commonly endorsed metrics and gives engineering leaders a fresh take on the most crucial metrics to monitor. 

By tracking these metrics, leaders can uncover bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and deliver faster, higher-quality software to customers. 

What’s inside

  • Metric recommendations including DORA metrics and other key metrics
  • Practical insights and real-world examples of teams improving key engineering metrics
  • The importance of measuring feature flag metrics in modern development
  • The introduction of Engineering Insights Hub, a solution that streamlines data-driven decisions and maximizes engineering efficiency
  • A bonus metric: the Release Maturity Score