Android SDK 2.x to 3.0 migration guide


This topic explains how to adapt code that currently uses a 2.x version of the Android client-side SDK to use version 3.0 or later.

Sections in this topic address different changes and updates between versions 2.x and 3.0 of the SDK.

Minimum Android API version

The minimum Android API version has increased from 16 (Android Jelly Bean 4.1) to 21 (Android Lollipop 5.0).


The Android SDK now depends on the Android Jetpack libraries rather than the Android support libraries. The Android support libraries are no longer maintained. Using AndroidX requires your application to set the android.useAndroidX Android Gradle plugin flag to true in your application’s file. If your application set the android.enableJetifier Android Gradle plugin flag to true in the file only for the LaunchDarkly SDK, you can now remove this flag.

Using updated package names

The package naming convention has changed. Instead of using, the main packages are now com.launchdarkly.sdk and Most of the class names have not changed, so you may be able to fix your import statements with a find and replace.

The base .sdk package contains classes that are not specific to the Android SDK. They also exist in the Java server-side SDK. In the SDK source code, the base .sdk package is implemented in a new repository, java-sdk-common.

To learn more about the differences between SDKs, read Client-side, server-side, and edge SDKs.

The full package schema is as follows:

Updating the configuration

This version removed the set prefix from all the configuration methods of LDConfig.Builder, and you should remove it from your configuration calls.

Additionally, certain configuration options have changed:

  • If your application used setPrivateAttributeNames(Set<String>) to configure globally private user attributes, you need to update it to use privateAttributes(UserAttribute...). UserAttribute lets you specify default user attribute names.
  • If your application has not been updated to use setPollUri(Uri) rather than the deprecated setBaseUri(Uri), you need to update it for this method rename, because this version removed setBaseUri.
  • If your application used setEventsUri(Uri) to configure the endpoint that the SDK uses to report events, you need to update it because the SDK treats this field differently in 3.0. In 2.x, the SDK expected you to specify the endpoint in the provided Uri, normally /mobile. In 3.0, the SDK appends the path. You should normally give eventsUri a pathless URI in 3.0.
  • If your application used setAdditionalHeaders(Map<String, String>) to add additional headers to requests made by the SDK, you need to update it to use headerTransform(LDHeaderUpdater). The SDK calls the provided LDHeaderUpdater to update the headers used on each request to the LaunchDarkly service, allowing the headers to differ between requests.

The following example shows all of these changes:

1HashMap<String, String> addHeaders = new HashMap<>();
2addHeaders.put("Proxy-Authorization", "OTHER_AUTH");
4HashSet<String> privateAttributes = new HashSet<>();
8LDConfig ldConfig = new LDConfig.Builder()
9 .setMobileKey("mobile-key-123abc")
10 .setPrivateAttributeNames(privateAttributes)
11 .setBaseUri(Uri.parse(""))
12 .setEventsUri(Uri.parse(""))
13 .setAdditionalHeaders(addHeaders)
14 .build();

Understanding changes to building users

Certain LDUser.Builder methods have changed in 3.0 compared to 2.x versions of the Android SDK. These changes are primarily to the methods for configuring custom attributes for the user.

In 2.x, configuring array values for attributes could be done using the following builder methods:

  • customString(String, List<String>)
  • privateCustomString(String, List<String>)
  • customNumber(String, List<Number>)
  • privateCustomNumber(String, List<Number>)

These builder methods have been removed in favor of new overrides for custom and privateCustom that allow setting an LDValue as the attribute value to allow more flexibility in the attribute values, such as mixed-type arrays.

Here is an example migration:

1LDUser user = new LDUser.Builder("userKey")
2 .customString("properties", Arrays.asList("new", "priority"))
3 .privateCustomNumber("counts", Arrays.asList(3, 5))
4 .build();

Additionally, the custom and privateCustom overrides that took the nullable types Boolean and Number as the attribute value have been removed, which avoids potential NullPointerExceptions. There are new overrides for setting boolean, int, and double attribute values as replacements for the previous overrides.

Finally, there are changes to the countryCode built-in user attribute. In 2.x the SDK treated this attribute specially. If set as a String, the SDK attempted to look up the country, matching it to an ISO-3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3 code, or a country name, and set the country to the resultant IOS-3166-1 alpha-2 code only if the lookup was successful. This behavior has been removed in the 3.0 release, and the SDK now treats this field as a normal String.

Understanding changes to the variation methods

In the 3.0 release of the SDK, jsonVariation has been renamed to jsonValueVariation for consistency with other SDKs. Rather than using Gson’s JsonElement type for the application provided default value and the resultant value, jsonValueVariation uses the new LDValue type.

Here is an example using the new LDValue type:

1JsonElement result = client.jsonVariation("flagKey", new JsonArray());

Additionally, a behavioral change has been made to the stringVariation and stringVariationDetail methods. Before the 3.0 release of the Android SDK, these methods were lenient in handling the type mismatch when the value for the requested flag key was a complex type of a JSON array or object. In this case, the SDK returned a serialized representation of the flag value. For consistency with how the other variation methods behave when the flag value does not match the type expected by the variation call, the resultant flag value is the provided default value in this case.

Finally, the boolVariation, boolVariationDetail, intVariation, and intVariationDetail methods no longer take the nullable object types Boolean and Integer as application default values. Instead they require primitive boolean and int values as the provided application default values.

Understanding changes to retrieving all flag values

The allFlags method has been changed to take advantage of the LDValue type rather than using untyped objects. In 2.x versions of the SDK, the values in the returned Map would be one of Boolean, Float, or String. All flags with numeric values would be included as Float, array and object flag values would be serialized to a String, and malformed flags missing a value would be omitted.

In the 3.0 release, the values in the returned Map are LDValues wrapping the flag value and maintaining complex types. Malformed flags that are missing a value are now included as an LDValue.ofNull() object. The resultant values are equivalent to calling jsonValueVariation for each flag with LDValue.ofNull() as the application default value.

Here is an example of retrieving all flag values:

1Map<String, ?> flagValues = client.allFlags();
2for (Map.Entry<String, ?> flag : flagValues.entrySet()) {
3 if (flag.getValue() instanceOf Boolean) {
4 // Do something with boolean flag
5 } else if (flag.getValue() instanceOf Float) {
6 // Do something with numeric flag
7 } else if (flag.getValue() instanceOf String) {
8 // Do something with string (or serialized Json) flag
9 }

Track methods

The overloads for the SDK track method have been split into separate methods for clarity, and JsonElement arguments have been replaced with LDValue arguments to avoid Gson types in the API. If your application was providing a metric value to track, use trackMetric instead. If your application was providing a JsonElement, use trackData with an LDValue instead.

Here is an example of these changes:

1client.track("dataEvent", new JsonPrimitive(4));
2client.track("metricEvent", null, 5.5);
3client.track("bothEvent", new JsonPrimitive("tag"), 3.5);

Converting objects to or from JSON data

You might want to convert LaunchDarkly SDK classes such as LDUser or LDValue into JSON if you are sending them to your backend service. Less commonly, you might want to convert them from JSON. The SDK provides ways to do both.

First, you can use the serialize and deserialize methods in com.launchdarkly.sdk.json.JsonSerialization to quickly convert these types to or from JSON strings.

Second, if you prefer to use the popular Gson or Jackson JSON frameworks for Java, continue reading.


Previously, classes from Gson were exposed in the SDK’s public API, so gson had to be a regular dependency on your application classpath. This has changed so that even though Gson is used internally by the SDK, it is a private copy that does not interact with outside code.

However, this also means that if you want to convert LaunchDarkly SDK objects such as LDUser or LDValue to or from JSON, to send them to your backend service for example, and you are using Gson, you can’t call Gson.toJson() or Gson.fromJson() and get correct results. The Gson in your application does not automatically recognize the Gson annotations and custom serializers that are contained in the SDK.

To make this work correctly, you must add an extra step to the setup of your Gson instance.

Here is an example including the extra step:

2import com.launchdarkly.sdk.json.LDGson;
4Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
5 .registerTypeAdapterFactory(LDGson.typeAdapters())
6 // any other GsonBuilder options go here
7 .create();

If you have registered LDGson.typeAdapters() in the Gson instance you’re using, toJson() and fromJson() works as expected with LaunchDarkly types.


Previously, it was not possible to convert LaunchDarkly SDK classes to or from JSON using Jackson. This is now possible if you configure your Jackson ObjectMapper with LDJackson.module().

Here is how to configure your Jackson ObjectMapper with LDJackson.module():

2import com.launchdarkly.sdk.json.LDJackson;
4ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
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