Get your guide to modern software development.

launchdarkly ebook guides
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Learn how LaunchDarkly can help solve your biggest DevOps problems.

We developed guides with actionable insights to ensure your software development success. Each guide dives into a unique solution that empowers teams to efficiently innovate while maximizing the business impact of every feature.

Download the guides and discover how to:

  • Improve the velocity and stability of releases
  • Target and personalize experiences
  • Optimize the mobile experience
  • Migrate and modernize your tech stack
fast vs safe: the great dilemma in modern software development guide

3 keys to deploy, risk less, and release with confidence.

elevate product experiences with precise targeting guide

How to serve software features tailored to any audience without burdening engineers.

take control over your mobile releases guide

How to deliver best-in-class mobile app experiences on your schedule, not the app store's.

3 ways to end the misery of tech migrations

How to safely migrate and modernize across cloud services, databases, and APIs.