
Elevate product experiences with precise targeting

How to serve software features tailored to any audience without burdening engineers.

Elevate product experiences with precise targeting

More personalization, less engineering effort

Delivering targeted software experiences is vital for business success. Unfortunately, many organizations struggle with the heavy development work required to implement such targeting capabilities. In this eBook, “Elevate product experiences”, we explain how you can escape the development burden associated with targeting and reap the business rewards that follow. 

Read on to learn how to progressively deliver changes to discrete customer segments, run beta tests, grant the right users access to the right features based on specific attributes, deliver personalized product experiences, and more. Learn how to control who—and what—gets which experience when.

What’s inside

  • An exploration of the current state of delivering targeted experiences, and its instrumental role in driving business success
  • An analysis of key challenges developer and product teams face when building experiences tailored to unique audiences
  • Detailed approaches to overcoming those key targeting challenges
  • Insights into how to target based on anything you know about your audience, test features with a subset of users, and give business teams control over targeting
  • Customer examples, tips, and best practices for teams to kickstart their targeting efforts