Are You Ready to Talk Ship With LaunchDarkly? featured image

Are you using feature flags but want to learn how you can take their usage to the next level? Been burned by a software release gone wrong? How about my favorite: Have you had to stay in on a Saturday night because a new version of software is getting released, and it might not go as smoothly as the team hopes? If any of these stories resonate with you, you’re in the right place!

Cody here with Developer Relations at LaunchDarkly! In September, we ran the second edition of our monthly Talkin’ Ship developer workshops, focused on unlocking modern software delivery. 

Talkin' Ship workshops are all about getting hands-on experience with how LaunchDarkly totally changes the way you develop software by giving you the tools to control every aspect of your feature releases. Want to see what we’re going to cover in action? Check this video out!

We’re running these workshops monthly, and you can sign up for them here! They are free to attend, and you’ll get to interact with LaunchDarkly team members and play around in some code. Win win!

Shipping software can be really hard. As developers, we make a lot of compromises on “speed of delivery” in order to ensure a safer/less risky release. In these workshops, we want to show teams how they can have both. We built these workshops to show developers how quickly you can get started driving everything from the most simple “on/off” software release all the way up to a targeted database table migrations.

What’s covered in the workshop 

Each Talkin’ Ship workshop guides attendees through the launch of Toggle Outfitters, an ecommerce application looking to modernize the way they deliver experiences to their users. This application is a NextJS 13 application using technologies like Prisma and Stripe to facilitate their communication with databases and payment APIs respectively.

In the workshop, we cover LaunchDarkly’s core use cases: 

  • De-Risking Releases
  • Technology Modernization
  • Targeting Experiences
  • Product Experiences

(We're still developing the mobile application track. Stay tuned here!)

In the workshop, we launch the store and learn how to target the new launches to specific users or segments. Once we’ve solved making releases low risk, we move on to migrating to new API systems through both Stripe and a PostgreSQL database migration. We then explore releasing a new set of products to users and dive into measuring how effective releases are. 

Most importantly, Talkin' Ship is totally hands on, both in LaunchDarkly as well as the online code editor we use to edit and run code—without installing anything on your workstation. We provide the sample code you need for evaluations and sort them out in a step-by-step process to quickly get to shipping your first releases.

LaunchDarkly is most exciting when you watch the toggles flip and see your application experience change before your eyes, with total control over how the releases are happening. Our goal with Talkin' Ship is to make sure anyone who attends is able to experience that within the first 15 minutes of starting the workshop. 

Want to attend a supercharged version? Register for Galaxy 2023! 

Our user conference, Galaxy, is kicking off in October. The agenda is packed with talks focused on new features launching in the product, customers who are solving challenges every day using LaunchDarkly, and best practices sessions aimed to teach engineering teams how they can build products customers love using LaunchDarkly.

The second day is a day entirely dedicated to developers, and it starts and ends with these workshops giving you every chance to jump in and try out some of the incredible things you’re going to pick up in the sessions. Register here!

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September 26, 2023