A new beginning featured image

Today marks the end of my first week at LaunchDarkly where I've been hired on as a DevOps engineer and employee #10.

The current office is great. We're up on the third floor of the Heavybit building. There's windows everywhere and so much to see outside. The insides of this office are pretty sweet too. There's lots of snacks, lots of drinks and the lunches have been pretty good too.

I've spent most of the week getting up to speed with the ins and outs of the LaunchDarkly product itself - how it's developed, deployed and maintained. Also, learning how to use a lot of new tools made by other startups has been pretty interesting.

So far it's been awesome - I'm surrounded by awesome people who work on an awesome product for an awesome company. I have no doubts that I made the right decision to join and I am excited for all of the opportunities that lay ahead.

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December 19, 2016