Growing Our Edge Ecosystem With Vercel featured image

We are excited to announce that we have extended LaunchDarkly’s Edge capabilities with our new EdgeSDK for Vercel’s Edge Config! Edge computing is a new wave that we entered with our launch of Edge capabilities in 2022, and we are excited to be expanding that with our partner Vercel.

Our flags are delivered in 200 ms across the globe, and we’ve learned that as Edge adoption picks up, customers are increasingly looking to accelerate flag delivery for a variety of use cases.


Developers in industries such as Retail and Ecommerce know that each millisecond has real business impact. These developers want to run A/B tests with variations such as displaying video vs. static content while delivering the same page load times. Our Edge SDK capability unlocks experimentation at the edge by allowing any variation to be served instantly to the end-user.

Near-instant page rendering

Developers who build apps to serve the Media and Entertainment industry want to leverage Edge capabilities to see zero latency by putting flag logic as close to the client as possible.

By working closely with the team at Vercel, we’re taking advantage of their Edge Config capability to give our shared customers the ability to tackle these use cases as well as new ones we have yet to see. We’re excited about the future of Edge computing and share Vercel’s view that developers will continue to run more code, natively and on the edge.

How to get started

The Vercel Edge SDK integration is available for all LaunchDarkly enterprise customers and users of Vercel’s Edge Config. This link to our documentation shows how you can start using this integration today.

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June 27, 2023