Transform retail, one feature at a time

Feature management, experimentation, and AI release management for top brands in retail and digital commerce.


LaunchDarkly Customers



Delight customers like
never before.

Accelerate and de-risk software delivery

Shorten your time to market for new features from weeks to minutes.

Release features on demand

LaunchDarkly gives developers the safeguards and confidence to ship software features at the speed of business.

Make downtime a distant memory

Avoid outages by progressively delivering updates to subsets of users and dynamically load shedding at peak times.

Resolve software issues in seconds

Don’t roll back an entire release because of one buggy feature. Disable the bad feature in runtime. Leave the rest as is.

Leave customers always wanting more

Make revenue growth inevitable with experimentation and digital personalization.

Personalize every digital experience

Deliver personalization on a massive scale when the stakes are high. Target based on anything you know about your audience.

Experiment and A/B test with ease

Run experiments across all your digital channels, visualize the results, and ship winning variants in one seamless workflow.

Optimize digital channels through data

Increase conversion rates with large-scale experiments, data-driven insights, and customer analytics.

Provide a perfect experience from end to end

Create a first-class customer journey across every digital touchpoint. 

Ensure consistency across all channels

With one click in LaunchDarkly, enable the same features across every platform: website, mobile apps, in-store apps, etc.

Release mobile features on your terms

You—not the app store—decide when users get new mobile updates. Get app store approvals now, release when you’re ready.

Personalize mobile experiences

Effortlessly target features by device type, operating system, app version, or any other parameter for your mobile apps.

  • DiorDior

    Dior shortens time to market from 15 minutes to instant updates.

    / /

    LaunchDarkly allowed us to progressively deliver features with confidence, creating a safety net for developers.

    Fabien Gasser, Dior

    Retail Lead System Architect

    Read case study
    vf corporation
  • RitualRitual

    Ritual delivers superior digital experiences with LaunchDarkly experimentation.

    / /

    The main benefit of using LaunchDarkly experimentation is that it’s directly tied to the feature flag implementation.

    Daniel Archer, Ritual

    VP of Engineering

    Read case study
    vf corporation
  • VF CorporationVF Corporation

    VF Corporation - the company behind Vans and Timberland- transforms eCommerce with LaunchDarkly.

    / /

    We can control who gets what [feature] at any point in time.

    Stephen Redeker, VF Corporation

    Senior Engineering Manager

    Watch the talk
    vf corporation

Accelerate AI

Harness AI in production

LaunchDarkly lets you confidently deploy and manage AI/ML models in production.

Accelerate AI/ML innovation

Rapidly ship and iterate on AI/ML models to keep pace with audience demands. Adopt new models at runtime without needing to redeploy.

Tailor AI features to each audience

Ship the right models and prompts to the right users and systems at runtime without custom code.

Experiment and optimize AI

Run experiments on different models, prompt configurations, and parameters to discover what drives the best digital experiences.

SPS Commerce is transforming the retail industry with LaunchDarkly’s help.

Play video
SPS Commerce

Explore More


Ship at the “speed of now”

Watch this keynote on the future of software delivery.


Bad ship happens

Avoid downtime when ship hits the fan.


Release your best software

Farewell to outages, midnight releases, and customer churn.