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OCT 25 2016

Launched: Slack and HipChat Integrations

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Feature flag driven development encourages communication between product, engineering, and business for faster, more coordinated releases. To help facilitate this, we are excited to announce a Slack and HipChat integrations to sync LaunchDarkly notifications with your team's messaging platform.


  • Know when feature flags are turned on / off or rolled out to users
  • Get notified when flags are created or deleted
  • Know which team members have modified flags
  • Create custom policies to stream changes to individual chat rooms
  • Coordinate releases and know when changes go live

LaunchDarkly Atlassian HipChat and Slack Feature Flag Notifications / Integrations

Rich Notifications

Each notification contains a rich description of the who, what, and when of any activity in LaunchDarkly, including activities is triggered via our API.

LaunchDarkly Feature Flag Slack Notifications

LaunchDarkly Feature Flag HipChat Notifications

Chat Integrations

LaunchDarkly's Slack and HipChat integrations allow you to set up incoming webhooks to receive any activities in LaunchDarkly. When something is changed (e.g. when a feature flag is updated, when a new team member is invited to LaunchDarkly, and more) we'll send an incoming webhook to Slack or HipChat, or both.

LaunchDarkly Slack and HipChat Chat Notifications - Feature Flags and Feature Toggles

You can also create custom policies for granular control over what types of notifications are sent to each room. For example, you can have changes to rollouts and targeting rules streamed to your Product room, while having team management notifications streamed to your Team room.  Custom policies are available for both Slack and HipChat.

We'd love to hear from you at with any questions or feedback!

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