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Have a sweet new feature that you want your earlyvangelists to see? Have a risky feature that you absolutely don't want some customers to see yet? From LaunchDarkly's user dashboard you can grant early access to the people who are important for feature development. With LaunchDarkly, you can have your features live on your production site, and control access through our dashboard. By separating business logic from code, you can develop faster, get feedback from the people that matter, and iterate quicker. The result? Better products and happier customers.

LaunchDarkly now allows customers to easily see which users have access to what features. LaunchDarkly auto-magically populates your dashboard with all your active users. So there's no time-consuming integration with your user database, just start assigning people you want to features. You can always see what users have on or off, and quickly change as needed. Patrick Cushing, WorkHands CEO, says "This is awesome! Our Sales and Ops teams can now give immediate access to new instructors we work with from a click of a button on LaunchDarkly, rather than a deployment or admin tool we'd have to maintain."

It's as easy as

1) Search for a user by email, first name, or last name.


2) See what features a user has on / off, with the current behavior highlighted.


3) If you'd like to override what's on/off, check the box and click save.

LaunchDarkly helps you build better software faster with feature flags as a service. Start your free trial now.
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