Public IP list


This topic explains how to access LaunchDarkly through one of our public IPs. If you’re using a firewall, add a LaunchDarkly IP range to your firewall settings.

If you want to configure access by domain instead, read the Domain list.

To learn how to obtain the IP list for just the required domains associated with a specific SDK, read How to get IPs LaunchDarkly uses.

Access LaunchDarkly through a public IP range

To help you access LaunchDarkly services through your firewall, we provide a list of LaunchDarkly’s public IP ranges.

Access the list of public IP ranges from this URL:

Access public IP ranges

The public IP endpoint returns a JSON object with two attributes:

  • addresses: This element contains the IP addresses LaunchDarkly uses. These IP addresses receive HTTPS connections your SDKs initiate through port 443. Configure your firewalls and proxies to allow persistent outbound connections so your SDKs can subscribe to updates.
  • outboundAddresses: This element contains the IP addresses LaunchDarkly uses for outbound webhook-based notifications and integrations. LaunchDarkly uses these addresses when making calls to your network. Add each outbound address to your allow list individually.


We update this list from time to time. You can automate calls to this API to detect when the IP ranges change.

We also post upcoming changes to this list in advance on our status page. Normally we post the update two weeks in advance of the change taking effect. However, in certain exceptional circumstances the notification window may be shorter.

You can also use the REST API: Get the public IP list

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