Talkin Ship Hero

Feeling on edge every time you ship code?

Imagine shipping features, migrating services, and launching new products all in one day. Bring your laptop and join us for a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn to do all this faster and risk free.

Register for Talkin' Ship

Bring a laptop. We’re getting ship done.

So much to develop, so little time. Fortunately, we have the right track for whatever you need help with – whether it’s automating releases, targeting audiences, or building experiments, Talkin’ Ship will help you and your team ship at the speed of NOW!

Bring a laptop. We’re getting ship done.

So much to develop, so little time. Fortunately, we have the right track for whatever you need help with – whether it’s automating releases, targeting audiences, or building experiments, Talkin’ Ship will help you and your team ship at the speed of NOW!

Automating releases icon
Automating releases

Learn the foundational capabilities of LaunchDarkly as your help ToggleBank release new capabilities, standardize your processes, and migrate backend systems with the flip of a toggle.

Creating targeted experiences icon
Creating targeted experiences

Everyone loves feeling like an application was built just for them! Help the Launch Airways team build personalized experiences for their customers using LaunchDarkly contexts.

Building experiments icon
Building experiments

Data-informed decisions drive results. In this workshop you help the Galaxy Marketplace team find the best ways to drive additional purchases and improve their customer journey.

Frequently asked questions

Just your laptop and your favorite code editor! 

You should have NodeJS installed on your laptop (visit for more information). You should also have Git installed to copy down the repository during the workshop.

The workshop is free to attend and we will grant you access to a LaunchDarkly account to use so you don’t need one prior to attending.

Not necessarily. Some workshops require a separate conference registration. If you haven't registered for the associated conference or are unsure if you need to register, please follow the steps below.

  • Choose the workshop location of your choice.
  • Select the dropdown option " No, I haven't registered and would like to request a promo code from launchDarkly.

The LaunchDarkly Team will the contact you with further details.

Email with the Subject: Bring Talkin' Ship to [City] and our team will flag your request for the future.