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MAR 23 2023

5 Talks to Boost Experimentation with LaunchDarkly

If you're already using LaunchDarkly, you may not be familiar with the various ways our pl...

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We're no longer in the dark ages where updates are released and there's no immediate way to understand how users are reacting to them. 

With data as your guide, experimentation helps teams understand what works and what doesn't through testing, learning, and refining ideas. By taking risks and trying new things, you can create unique user experiences and optimize the performance of your releases. 

If you're already using LaunchDarkly, you may not be familiar with the various ways our platform can help with your experiments. 

In this post, we'll run down five of our favorite talks that dig into experimentation with LaunchDarkly, some of which are quoted in our recent ebook, "23 Thoughts on DevOps for 2023."

The State of LaunchDarkly Experimentation

A good place to start is to give you an overview of the general LaunchDarkly landscape when it comes to experimentation. Last year, we launched a major overhaul of our experimentation offering. In this talk from our Trajectory 2022 conference, James Frost, Experimentation Head of Product at LaunchDarkly, shares our perspective, learnings, approach, and what new features you can use right now—as well as where we’re heading next.

Developer's Guide to Experimentation with LaunchDarkly

If you're already familiar with our experimentation offering, this session from Trajectory 2022 will give you a deep dive into its instrumentation along with some other critical elements devs should know when building their first experiments in LaunchDarkly. 

Using Feature Flags to Make Data-Driven Decisions

If you're already using LaunchDarkly, you know it allows you to safely release features, perform canary rollouts, and targeting via our rules engine. In this talk from Galaxy 2022, Robert Neil, our Head of Engineering & Data Science for Experimentation, shows you how to improve the processes around these tasks by adding data.

What’s Stopping Product Teams from Running Experiments?

After speaking with customers of various sizes and industries, Cameron Savage, Principal Product Manager, breaks down some of the most consistent blockers and frustrations of product teams who aspire to measure the impact of their work. In this talk from Galaxy 2022, Cameron shows how you can overcome these challenges and get started running experiments in LaunchDarkly. 

5 Proven Strategies for Better Experiments

Many companies run experiment after experiment without seeing measurable results, but experimentation is a lot more than just a simple A/B test. In this webinar, you'll learn how to get past some of the common challenges teams face when trying to adopt experimentation, and find tips and tricks your teams can start adopting today. Watch it below. 

If you're not yet a customer but are ready to explore more experimentation capabilities in LaunchDarkly, check out a demo.

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