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MAY 24 2022

Now You Can View Feature Flags in Zendesk

The Zendesk integration allows your team members to see feature flag variation information...

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Over the years, LaunchDarkly's adoption has grown from just Engineering teams to Product, Design, Data, Sales, and even Support teams. And to assist this progression, we're happy to announce our latest integration with Zendesk, which is available now to all LaunchDarkly Enterprise customers

The Zendesk integration allows your team members to see feature flag variation information for a user right from within the Zendesk ticket. Using the same user ID, the integration pulls the right information from LaunchDarkly without requiring you to switch applications. 

So, the next time a customer creates a Zendesk ticket requesting support with something they're experiencing in your application, you won't need to message another team to find out what features they have turned on, you will see their flag targeting information right there!

Better, more confident service at FullStory

FullStory, a digital experience analytics platform and a customer of LaunchDarkly, was thrilled by the immediate value of this integration. 

“LaunchDarkly is integrated deeply into the Fullstory Digital Experience Intelligence platform so that we can use feature flags extensively to target specific customers with features and subscription entitlements," said Steve Niebauer, who is a Senior Support Engineer at FullStory. 

Prior to this integration, their support team would have to context switch to LaunchDarkly to check the user's flag settings in LaunchDarkly. Having this information displayed within Zendesk allows them to better serve their customers, armed with the confidence and knowledge of their user's current experience. "Best of all, it populates right from the ticket without any extra effort," Steve said.

An 'incredibly happy' team at Loom

Loom, a video communication tool that lets you seamlessly and instantly share a recording of yourself and your screen, found this integration to be even better than the custom tooling they had built in the past. 

“Our internal support tool allowed us to cross reference information like flags in LaunchDarkly, but we hit limits in how we were using the Zendesk APIs,” said Amanda Rothbard, Support Operations Lead at Loom. “Now the integration provides more information seamlessly and without any impact on our API limits. Best of all, my team is incredibly happy—they say it’s incredibly helpful, easy to use, and they’re excited that we’re going to use this for all future beta rollouts.”

With this integration, everyone in your support team can have total clarity about what experience a customer is being served. Better still, those with access can jump right to the relevant flag and make changes quickly in LaunchDarkly. This means you can seamlessly transition from identifying a problem to taking action on a customer account, providing changes to your products behavior in seconds. Combined with features like Approvals, you can even have your support staff request review from a product manager to ensure that access to things like beta features are appropriately tracked and managed.

To see the Zendesk integration in action, watch the video below.

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