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FEB 03 2017

My First Week

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Start your Engines

As I reminisce on my first week at LaunchDarkly, I'm reminded about the initial call I had with Russ, our VP of Sales, to learn more about the company and opportunity. Russ and I have known each other since 2012, when I interviewed for his team at Box. Although we didn't end up working together, we kept in touch and kept joking that one day, we would! I guess you could say it was fate that caused that call a few months ago to happen...or just perfect timing.

When I spoke to Russ and learned more about LaunchDarkly, I immediately felt that gut instinct say “yes”. It was clear to me that this represented a great opportunity to join an awesome team that had built an amazing product that customers loved. Now, I look back on my first week as validation for the gut feeling I first had.

Shake and Bake

The whole week was filled with highlights. Monday started out with our first revenue meeting, then an all hands where John and Edith walked us through the company values (which I agreed with wholeheartedly). I sat in on a variety of customer calls, which showed me how interested companies are to speak with us and how valuable our platform is to them. The sales team met with one of our advisors (a former co-founder / CTO) and had a great meeting learning about how best to partner with VPs of Engineering / CTOs. And then on top of that, I learned more about the product, the market opportunity, and the company vision.

What I'm left with after that first week is being continually impressed by the company and product John, Edith, and the team have built. From hearing successful customer stories, meeting other team members, and learning about the strength of the product, I'm filled with confidence in our ability to succeed. More so, I'm excited to start partnering with companies and help them deliver better software, faster.  It's been a great first week, and I'm looking forward to many more.

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