
This topic introduces LaunchDarkly’s approvals feature. It explains what approvals are and how to configure them.

About approvals

When an account member plans a change to a feature flag or segment, they have the option to request approval for that change from a member or team in their LaunchDarkly project. Approvals let more people have input on planned changes. These review-style approvals mimic common code review workflows, such as pull request (PR) reviews in GitHub.

Anyone with a Writer, Admin, Owner, or custom role with reviewApprovalRequest permission can approve a change, regardless of whether or not their review has been requested. Account members and team members who the requester chooses receive an email notifying them that their review has been requested, and, if applicable, a notification in the LaunchDarkly Slack or Teams app.

Working with approvals

Segment approvals are available to customers on select plans

Segment approvals and requiring approvals for either flags or segments are only available to customers on select plans. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, contact Sales.

You can request approval on changes to a flag’s targeting or variations, or to a segment’s targeting, any time after you create it. To learn more, read Requesting approvals. Enterprise customers can require approval requests for specific environments. To learn more, read Configuring approvals for an environment.

If someone requests your approval on a flag or segment change, the request appears in the Approvals dashboard, in your email, and in your in-app inbox. Depending on the approval request, it also appears in the following places:

  • For flags, the approval request appears in the flag’s “Pending changes” panel and, if you use the LaunchDarkly Slack or Microsoft Teams app, in a Slack or Teams notification.
  • For segments, the approval request appears in the segment’s details page and, if you use the LaunchDarkly Slack app, in a Slack notification.

To learn more, read Reviewing approval requests.

Segment approvals do not appear in Microsoft Teams

If someone requests your approval on a flag change and you use the LaunchDarkly Slack or Microsoft Teams app, you will receive a Slack or Teams notification. Segment approvals are also sent through Slack, but are not sent through Microsoft Teams.

To learn how to customize approval request settings, read Approval request settings.

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