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C# Mom
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Dark Launch Mom
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Canary Test Mom
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Merge Conflict Mom

Parents don’t get it, but we do.

Deploying code has never been easier—it's even simpler than explaining your job to your parents. With LaunchDarkly, you get feature flags, context-aware targeting, and experimentation all in one powerful platform.

Mom chat icon
Hi honey! Remind me again...what’s your job called?
daughter chat icon
Mom chat icon
I know, I know, you’ve already explained it a million times, but I’m out with Kathy and she asked about your job but I can’t remember what you do.
daughter chat icon
I'm a developer, I write code for software.
Mom chat icon
Oh that’s right, you're an internet writer!
Thanks honey.
xo Mom
daughter chat icon

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See what other moms are saying about us!

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    Since my son started work there, my internet as never worked faster!

    Sharon headshot


    Tim Henry's mom

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    LaunchDarkly helped my son with his backend issues, even though some things shouldn’t be public.

    Nancy headshot


    Cathy Chen's mom

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    He always love animals, so it’s no surprise he’s working with canaries now.

    Carol headshot


    Matt Delaney's mom

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    Call me when you get this, I tried to ask Alexa, but she never understands me.

    Yvonne headshot


    Omar Agar's mom

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    She hated the archery lessons I got her as a kid, but now all she can talk about is targeting.

    Sheela headshot


    Monica Solomon's mom

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    You’d think with all this mobile deploy talk, my son could deploy a text to his mom once in a while.

    Angie headshot


    Peter Field's mom

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    My son does dark launches apparently. I thought he was past his goth phase. Oh well...

    Viet headshot


    Lam Nguyen's mom

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    My daughter said she was sunsetting features at work. So nice she gets to work outside.

    Janine headshot


    Sarah McDaniel's mom