Experiment Culture: From Tradition to Data-Driven
Traditional brick & mortar retail is struggling with e-commerce for some time now. Our organisation is a successful traditional retail company that has been around for more than 40 years. At this same time we see a number of challenges coming from the "online world". We started our new strategy more than 2 years ago and changed almost all critical things in our organisation. Architecture, people and process. We went from traditional VM to cloud native, from scrum-but to LeSS and from supplier/project driven to a multi-devcenter organisation. We changed our toolset and added Launch Darkly to our toolset in 2017. This started a transformation on developer workflow that took some time to materialise: from long lived feature branches to trunkbased development/github-flow. After much small batch deliveries and tests in production we switched over the last parts autumn of 2018. By this time we’ve gotten familiar with a process that is data driven. By this time a significant percentage of our features are tested using A/B test. We use Launch Darkly for toggling these features.

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