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How Firefox Upholds its Values and Keeps Up With Change

Emma Humphries Mozilla

People attending this talk will learn about how you inspire a company based on an open source vision to learn the value of experimentation, how we test and deploy new features while preserving the privacy of our users, and what processes and tools we developed to do all this. Our culture of experiment enables us to find out what works for a diverse community of users, and not just cater to the loudest voices in the room. I'll also talk about how we've messed up as we changed how we work, and what we've learned from our mistakes.

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Emma Humphries

Emma Humphries believes in the healing power of Sleater-Kinney’s "Dig Me Out," coffee, hockey, and the Open Web. For the Mozilla project she helps people file better bugs, helps engineers make decisions on those bugs faster, and tries to make the open source friendlier for underrepresented groups. In her spare time she dances, messes about with tiny computers, cooks, and rides her electric bike. She started working on the Web when she asked the Tiptree Award’s Motherboard if she could make a website for them. She still has the original site on a 3.5" disk. She lives with her wife and several cats in Silicon Valley, on lands that belong to the Tamyen people.

We were unfortunately not able to record this session. It's too bad you can't feature flag life! In lieu of the recording we've provided the original speaker deck with highlights noted by audience members on the day-of.

You can find it here.